Thursday, August 1, 2013

Two Years + 2 months + 3 days

I am a horrible excuse for a blogger. It's been FOR-EV-ER since I last posted an update. I'm sure you've all been waiting with baited breath for my next update. You see, things are busy. I know, everyone is busy and I have no excuse to whine. Well, I don't have a thing in the world to whine about actually. We have busy summers year after year and I'm so grateful for those busy summers. We spend half our weekends at the lake with lots of fun activities in between.

One event that happened early on this summer was my precious baby girl's 2nd birthday. Claire Bear is TWO!!!!

 Have you ever seen a prettier baby girl?

On the morning of her birthday, many, many months ago, we took this pretty one to breakfast. It's sort of a little tradition we started when the big girls turned four and I like it. It starts their special day off right.

I took the day off on her birthday to spend as much time as possible. Honestly, I don't remember what all took place that day (it was over two months ago) but I know it was special.

This girl has been such a blessing in our lives. She literally is the The best. No doubt about it. She is soooooo sweet. Her little face just melts my heart when she looks at me. Her sweet little voice, "Oh-Tay Mommy!" makes me just want to squeeze her cheeks. I love her with all of my heart, like any mother would. I am so happy God gave us this third precious girl. I wouldn't trade her for anything.

Here are some random photos of my girl, in no particular order:

Big girl on her birthday. Mini cupcake from our favorite cupcake shop.

Claire Bear with her Aunt Lindsey at her birthday party at our house. Note: she was terrified of that bow on her head. Anything fuzzy scares the crap out of her and she screams bloody murder. We enjoy it a bit too much.

Claire Bear, on the slide at her party. Those blue eyes. My goodness.
After opening presents. Too cool for this folding chair.
Not sure why but I love this pic. Perfect little action shot. She was eating ice cream I think.

How awesome is Claire, you ask? So awesome that she was potty-trained at 25 months. No big thang.
I'll potty train your kid for $1,000. You'll get your money's worth! :)
Spent a lot of time at big sisters' t-ball games this summer. She was a trooper. Never complained much and was sure to cheer on big sissies during their games. Side note: my big girls' team got 2nd place in their division! Woohoo!

Big girl's first hair cut. She was so nervous and pretty much looked that way the whole time!

Birthday party at Nanny & Papa's house. More cupcakes!


This was about a month from her birthday when I asked her how old she was. She answered correctly at the time. Cutie patootie.

Two Month Stats:
Weight: 30.5 pounds (95th %) up from 21 pounds at 1 year and 9 pounds, 3 ounces at birth.
Height: 37.25 inches (75th %) up from 31 inches at 1 year and 20 inches at birth.

My precious, sweet, squishy little pumpkin. Loved her at first site. Literally.

 As you can tell, I am pretty enamored with my little Claire Bear. Happy (belated) birthday baby!

Momma Bear

1 comment:

  1. She looks adorable :)
    Vintage Inspired Girls
