Happy Fourth Birthday to My Pretties!
My babies turned four on April 30th! How exciting! I'll do a separate post about their birthday parties (that's right, plural)...this particular one is all about them!
Lyla, my first born, twin A |
- My tiny little girl, full of personality. She has some major mood swings. One minute she's the most sweet, precious, loving girl you've ever met. The second minute, she is digging her heels in the ground refusing to do anything you ask. She is also a bear to deal with before 9am (much like her mother).
- Now weighs 31 pounds! This is huge, I wasn't sure she'd ever hit 30. This puts her at about the 10th percentile. She's little but growing at a consistent rate.
- Is now 38.5 inches - at the 25th percentile.
- Pink is her signature color. She also has started to distinguish between "girl" colors and "boy" colors. But, she's easily persuaded to wear whatever we tell her to.
- Has the most adorable blue eyes and short, curly blond hair. Spitting image of her father.
- Eats like a little bird.It's not uncommon for her to say "momma, my belly is getting all full" after 3 bites of food.
- Is starting to become sensitive to the fact that she wears some of her twin's hand-me-downs and notices when Natalee gets new things.
- Can dress herself, write her own name, count to about seventeen, recognizes all the major colors and shapes, knows her letters and numbers, and is generally one of the smartest four-year-olds on the planet.
- Can throw a ball and swing a bat like a champ.
- Loves her baby sister to pieces. She loves to hug her, kiss her, talk to her, pick her up and carry her across the house, everything. It's so sweet.
Natalee, twin B |
- My even-tempered precious sixteen-year-old in a four-year-old body. She is genuinely hilarious and loves to make you laugh. She has her moments though and can be extremely moody.
- Now weighs 39.5 pounds - 75th percentile.That's right, a full 8+ pounds heavier than her older twin. People never think that they are twins when we're in public.
- Is now 42 inches - 90th percentile.
- The girls loves purple.
- Has the same adorable blue eyes as her sister. Has a gorgeous curly light-brown mess of hair. Change her eyes to green and darken her hair and she's me 25 years ago.
- The girl LOVES to eat! Seriously have you read this? She will try any food item you put in front of her and 9 times out of 10 will eat every bit of it.
- Loves to listen to "kiddie songs" in the car. Translation: toddler radio on Pandora.
- See Lyla's third to last bullet point above: Can dress herself, write her own name, count to about seventeen, recognizes all the major colors and shapes, knows her letters and numbers, and is generally one of the smartest four-year-olds on the planet.
- Love love loves to color, play with sidewalk chalk, and go on bike-rides with daddy and sissy.
- Has recently started putting her hands on her hips and staring at you when you say something she doesn't like.
- Is extremely respectful, understanding, and reasonable.
P.S. Happy Mother's Day to all the mommas in my world...especially my favorite momma, the lady who made me the person and mother I am today.